Expand the walls of your classroom with everything the museum has to offer! From Looking and Learning Tours and Looking and Making Workshops, Educator Residencies, and Empowered Educators, to the multitude of available lesson plans and learning resources, you’re sure to find what you’re looking for whether you’re a student or an educator.
The Museum is Your Classroom

Bring Your Students
Your classroom just got bigger! Share with us your teaching and learning goals, and we will co-create a museum experience for you and your students. A visit to the museum will connect your curricular goals to artwork and artists from around the world through creative inquiry-based learning.

Educator Residency
Artwork throughout the museum’s collection can become a tool to meet your learning objectives no matter the discipline you teach. Not only does art reach across curriculum, but it also invites social, emotional, critical, and creative learning. The Educator Residency at Carnegie Museum of Art is a three-week program with an honorarium for multidisciplinary K–12 educators from our partner school districts. As a resident, you will work in small, grade-based clusters with museum educators to explore the museum as an educational resource for classroom learning along with creative recuperation and inspiration.

Empowered Educators
Educators of all disciplines, artists, field professionals, and museum staff: please join us for Empowered Educators! In this ongoing participatory series, we will deepen our understanding of the ways in which the construction of race and our racialized experiences impact our teaching and learning communities.
Together, we will engage with art, literature, writing through group conversations with artists and guest speakers. Empowered Educators are rooted in liberatory and culturally relevant pedagogies to support us in building a more equitable and just world.