Meditation on Acceptance
Aug. 15, 2021
Take some time out of your day to cultivate gratitude with a guided meditation on acceptance using Fingerprint #2647 by Moira Jane Dryer as inspiration.
Step-by-Step Meditation
- Take a few moments to look at this work.
- Bring your attention to the vertical lines. Focus on the lines as you move your awareness from left to right, across the painting.
- As you do this, notice the uniqueness of each line: the different sizes, shapes, and colors.
- Each line is unique, just as a fingerprint is unique to each person.
- Now, close your eyes and reflect on your own uniqueness. Let go of any self-criticism as you work to cultivate acceptance and gratitude for who you are.
- Think of some of the different aspects that make you unique. As you reflect on these aspects, repeat the following phrase: “I accept and love who I am.”
- Repeat this affirmation to yourself to develop deeper acceptance and self-love.