Part of a larger body of work, Operation Empathy (2016) is a silent video simulating the experience
of a drone following a passenger vehicle in what appears to be an aerial shot of US suburban neighborhoods. As the artist notes, this is an experience that “for US citizens…would seem to be completely unimaginable.”
Nancy Buchanan,(b. 1946 in Boston, MA; lives in Los Angeles, CA) together with Barbara T. Smith and Chris Burden, was a founding member of F-Space Gallery in Costa Mesa, CA. She has been involved in numerous artists’ groups including The Los Angeles Woman’s Building and Los Angeles Contemporary Exhibitions (LACE). Buchan- an also worked with Michael Zinzun on his cable access show Message to the Grassroots for 10 years and as a member of Zinzun’s LA 435 Committee, which was formed to support South West Africa People’s Organization in the lead-up to the independence elections in Namibia in November 1989.