Meditation on Gratitude
Nov. 20, 2020
My bounty is as boundless as the sea, My love as deep; the more I give to thee, The more I have, for both are infinite.
Reflect on gratitude with this guided meditation to The Homer Cup by Benjamin Schlick. Follow along with the audio or text below.
Step-by-Step Meditation
- Breathe deeply as you observe the ornate details of the cup. Focus your attention on the leaves, the vines, and the fruits.
- Consider the festivity–such as a feast or celebration–that might surround such an object.
- Reflect on the current season and the many ways we celebrate this time of year.
- Close your eyes and breathe deeply, centering yourself in the present moment. Let go of any thoughts about the future.
- Bring to mind people you love in your life. Focus on one person you are grateful for in your life.
- Now, visualize the cup in your mind’s eye and imagine you are placing your thought of gratitude in the cup.
- Repeat this process, reflecting on any people or aspects of your life you are grateful for, as you fill your cup up with gratitude.
- Calm the mind and cultivate thankfulness this season by practicing this gratitude meditation as often as you like.